Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I'm home! The last two weeks were amazing. We went hard on campus, sharing the gospel and bringing up spiritual conversations with students. Its truly amazing the way everyone on my team weas filled with the spirit and were so willing to allow God to use them. In the last two weeks on campus, God used my team to open up over 200 spiritual conversations and lead 11 people to Christ, a couple of them being Muslim.

During the last two weeks I was able to share my faith with a Muslim nearly every day. God taught me so much through this experience, both about Islam and evangelism in general. On a couple of occasions, I had Muslims that were willing to give their hearts to the LORD, but were very afraid of the repercussions from their family, as many of them were generational believers. I really wish I could have had more time to talk with them, but God knows best. Its my prayer that God can use some of the Togolese Christians to continue to keep in contact with them.

On our way back, my team stopped in Brussels, Belgium for a couple days, which was the cherry on top of an amazing summer. Also, I was able to see the conflict that caused the protesting come to a resolution. God did amazing things through my team and in my team this summer and it truly was a blessing to be in Togo this summer. Thank you to everyone that supported me this summer. Please pray that God can use the work that my team did to positively affect the university specifically, but Togo in general.